Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The feeling of being expected too much or expecting alot out of others is always indestructible. All of this expectations run hard after you, and sometimes, you're able to fulfil those expectations but sometimes, you would not even meet the mark. It's pretty funny, this whole expectation cycle repeats itself all over again, like it doesn't gets tired of going rounds. You know, people around you expect a whole load of shit out of you and at the same time, you expect a whole load of shit out of people too. I'm sure, in a way or another, we all set expectations to achieve something out of a particular something/someone.

In school, we set expectations or you'd like to call it our target for our results or the certain CCA rank you'll want to achieve by a time. In work, we have our goal settings in order to excel and get a promotion.The list of expectations goes on depending on the roles.

Some people may work well with expectations while some may not. I live my life with not much of expectations but the last thing i will do is to
allow people to bound me, and set me a list of expectations I have to fulfil.

Now, would life be a humdrum if there's no expectations?

School was fucked.


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