Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My weekends had been nothing of spectacular but just very good with the people I spent with.
Like other couples, we went to catch the fireworks on the National Day. & both of us, the movie fanatics, we went to catch Mummy in the noon, and the long awaited Dark Knight in the late night.

Sunday morning, dad sent me down to SSDC before i head over to meet boyfriend and Zy for lunch at the amk temporary market. Tagged along with them to buy their stuffs for their confinement week!
So the boyfriend went back to camp in the late evening on Sunday. & this time round, he will be confined for 2 weeks, and no communication for 6 days when he's out for field camp. I will definitely miss him, but well at the same time, the best time for me to focus on my studies. (:
Let's think positively!

I was supposed to go back school and meet the rest for studying. However, i'm really lazy to get my asss out of the damn gate, and whats more? Mum had been out running errands, & only me in the house. So all the more i should make use of the peacefulness. But, rainy days are the best for me to hide in the sheets. I can't resist the temptation, period.

Olympics games are my entertainment source these days, especially swimming.

They say it's better to live your life than being obsessed to document it down. And I'm counting down to 23rd Aug, because it's holidays then. I hope time really reaaaally wheeze horribly fast.

okay, i will spend my night pumping knowledge, more olympics and oh cornflakes with cold milk yo!

Let's do gasolina!


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